
Post Grad

Starring: Alexis Bledel, Zach Gilford
Comedy (2009), Rated PG 13

Ryden (Bledel) is a recent college grad who has pretty much had her life mapped out since day 1 of high school. When she doesn't land that dream job her whole life goes into a tailspin of confusion. So distraught is she over her misfortune she fails to realize that love is starring her in the face and that there are other things that are more important then a certain job. As she tries to find a job and figure out what she is going to do now she learns lessons about love and life that can't be taught in college or found at a certain job.
  • This movie was pretty good.
  • Bledel is a great little actress and her eyes are absolutely gorgeous blue that looks great against her dark hair.
3 Stars

1 comment:

The Thrifty Book Nerd said...

I love this movie. Zach Gilford is one of my favorite actors.


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