

Starring: Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster
Suspense Thriller, 2009 (Rated R)

Two astronauts awaken after an extended slumber on a space ship to a nightmare of killer mutated creatures and more questions then answers as they try to recover their memories and piece together what happened to derail their journey to a newly discovered planet called Tana. They encounter other survivors and attempt to keep the ship from shutting down so that they can continue onto their destination.
  • I remained interested as the movie went on and more and more questions were answered about who they were and why they were there.
  • Overall decent movie but it didn't knock my socks off in any way.

1 comment:

Andrei said...

I kind of agree. I had high hopes for this one, but it was a rather disappointing experience. Not to mention the monsters, who couldn't have been designed worse.


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