
The Invention Of Lying

Starring: Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner
Comedy, 2009 (PG13)

Imagine a world where people do not lie. Everything anyone says is taken as fact and nobody even bothers with little white lies that spare peoples feeling or keep things polite. Well, this movie does just that. Mark (Gervais) discovers one day that he can lie-although he doesn't even have a word to describe it. Suddenly his life changes as he realizes the power of telling lies especially in a world where others don't. He gets everything he wants except Anna (Garner) the girl of his dreams. Can he convince her that despite his plain exterior that he is the man of hers?
  • This movie is actually quite funny and entertaining. It does have some slow moments but overall I really liked it because it was so unique.
  • I am immediately annoyed by Anna because she is so incredibly shallow and vain. But really aren't we all in at least some small way? Just not in such an "in your face" kind of way.
  • It confronts the concept of physical beauty and success or lack thereof in a head on no apologies kind of way. Often it's what people are thinking but no one dares to speak out loud.
  • When a perfect stranger in this town asks you how you are doing it's ok to say you hate your life and you think that they are ugly. Somehow I found the thought of not having to say that you are fine if you aren't just to make polite conversation. On the other hand....do you really want people to know all of that information about you?


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