
The Surrogates

Starring: Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell
Sci Fi, 2009 (Rated PG-13)

Welcome to the future where humans can't be bothered to actually live their own lives risking injury or death and instead send surrogates out into the world who are genetically engineered to look perfect while they sit at home hooked up to a chair. The world is divided by those who use surrogates and those who don't. When a high profile "operator" ends up dying when his surrogate is struck by a car FBI agent Greer must find out why.
  • I have to be honest and I say that while I loved this story line and concept for a movie I kind of have no idea what the heck happened.
  • I have a tendency to get lost in moves with super intricate plots and that's exactly what happened here.
  • I love the concept though. Imagine a world where you could physically be anybody you want to. Everyone was perfect, young and beautiful because that's what they wanted to be.
3 Stars

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