

Starring: John Cusak, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton
Action, 2009 (Rated PG 13)

Jackson (Cusak) is a writer turned limo driver who is separated from his wife who now has a live in boyfriend staying in the home with his kids. The weekend he takes his kids for a camping trip out in Yellowstone strange things start to happen. An earthquake, a crack in the earth, and a kooky radio dj up in Yellowstone are all clues that something devastating is about to happen to planet earth and even worse that the government has known all along. Suddenly it is a race against time to try to save himself and his family from certain death as the world as we know it comes to an end.
  • Yep, it's another disaster movie. It's not the first, it won't be the last and I liked it.
  • Great acting all around.
  • This movie was full of action from start to finish. There were "just in the nick of time" moments for everyone throughout.
  • The special effects were great and the intertwining of various story lines showing the end of the world from different perspectives made it interesting all the way through.
  • I have loved John Cusak since his "Say Anything" and "Sure Thing" days in the 80's (yes, I consider those classics) and was thrilled to see him in such a huge big budget film.
  • The morality question of who should live and who should die is raised. The whole world can't be saved and no matter how you slice it there is really no good way to decide.
  • Incidentally, back in 2003 I the fledgling actress was approached by a fledgling movie producer with a script and plans basically to make this movie. Unfortunately for myself (and him) it never came to fruition but I always knew if not him then SOMEONE would make this film. I can't help but wonder if he is sitting somewhere thinking that he could have done it better.


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